On a daily basis I have several vivid and detailed dreams which I remember the next day. Of course I forget some of them, but I remember a large portion of them and usually can recount them to someone hours later with tons of specifics.
In a lot of my dreams I know it is a dream. I am aware that it isn't real. I have often enjoyed my dreams and compare them to the movies. It's like going to sleep and getting entertained while doing so. The only thing is that I feel like I don't really get as well rested when I so active in my sleep.
The other problem with have extremely vivid dreams is the waking up part. Sometimes, especially with sad dreams, or dreams you have bad arguments in, I wake up so distressed and it's difficult to console myself with the fact that it was just a dream. I remember having a dream many years ago that my nephew was on the beach at twilight and there was this massive storm brewing. I was running to him trying to get him away from the water. A huge wave came and crashed over him and took him away. I totally woke up from that dream sobbing and even months later it made me sad even though he was completely fine in real life and I knew he was. I even talked about it with my church councilor trying to reconcile it with myself so it didn't make me sad.
I hate the ones where I fight with someone in a dream and then woke up and I can't shake the feeling of being pissed off at them, even though they didn't do anything wrong in real life.
I have never talked to anyone who has had dreams the way I do. I don't know why that is. Am I just an anomaly or are there others out there like me?
Last night I had a couple of odd dreams. The first one I only remember part of. I was at a friend's party at their house. The house was a huge beautiful modern mansion. I had gotten pretty toasted and as a result I was, well, interested in engaging in particular activities with my husband. Chris told me he really wasn't in the mood, but maybe his friend (we'll call him "Jack") could take care of me instead (not something that would ever happen in real life). I was shocked and surprised and told him, "hell no!". Later Chris came up to me and told me that I'd hurt "Jack's" feelings by the way I responded and he wondered if I didn't like him or if I thought there was something wrong with him. I told my husband that I was flattered he'd be interested in doing those activities with me, but that actually the problem was that he was just too hot (he is really cute in real life). I was embarrassed by my ugly post-baby body and didn't want him to see me.
Later I decided to take my husband up on his offer, but with a different friend, we'll call him "Joe". So I went to his bedroom. I think at this point it turned out that this was in fact his party and his mansion. So, anyhow, I went to his bedroom, stripped down and got into bed. He was in the middle of painting this massive mural on his ceiling. Instead of getting in bed with me he asked me to paint some of it for him. So I wrapped the sheet around me and got up and started painting. I was painting these big, chunky flowers with oil paints. They were coming out really well.
While I was painting my friend's father came in the room and wanted to talk to him, so he asked me to leave. So I got dressed and I remember being embarrassed when I flashed my naked body at him, thinking again that my post-baby body was so ugly and not what it used to be.
Later I came back into his room and he had finished the mural. My flowers were gone and instead there was this amazing and intricate painting with out of this world cities and planets, etc. It was phenomenal.
The end. That's all I remember about that dream now (it's 4:40 in the afternoon, so that's pretty good, they sometimes fade as the day goes on)...
I then had a completely dis-related dream about being pregnant. Several days went by in my dream and every day I had the cutest maternity outfit on. I was so impressed by my dream maternity outfits and in my dream I wished I had them in real life. I was a hot preggo. One day my sister, my sister-in-law (who was also pregnant in my dream) and my dad decided to go to the mall to get some lotion.
Side note: I know why I had this dream. My brother called me last night to tell me that he and my SIL are expecting their 4th (and unexpected) baby. The poor guy is scheduled for the good ol' snip snip next month-oops. Anyhow, on with the dream.
We went to this one store and my sister brought her stroller for some reason, I'm not sure why as her kids are 16 and 17 years old. We were in the lotion store going over different types of sunscreen and the lady was talking to me like I was a complete idiot. I told her I wasn't even the one buying the sunscreen as I already had it (poof! my baby is now in the dream, too). I showed her my baby and that he's 9.5 months old. Obviously by now I had some sunscreen for him. Anyway, we browsed the store and my SIL finally bought some lotion.
When we left the store the paparazzi was swarming the mall. My sister was bitching about having the stroller saying that she thought she could check it at the first store we stopped at. She was complaining about how things had changed since she had her kids.
It was impossible to maneuver anywhere in the mall as the paps were everywhere (I have no idea why).
That's pretty much all I remember of that one. I remembered more this morning, but I've forgotten now. Oh well.
So, those were the two dreams from last night that I remember parts of. If you catch me first thing in the morning I'll talk your ear off telling you about my dreams from the night before.
I even remember dreams from when I was a little kid. I had a few of nightmares that I still remember clearly. One was when I was 5 or 6 and was about giant bugs, another was from when I was 7 or 8 and my parents died, and another was from around the same time period and was about me being stuck in a house with tons of ghosts outside trying to get me.
I've even noticed that I tend to handle things in a certain way time after time in dreams. Like when I'm being attacked by someone I most often will come up with a knife as my weapon. I will try to stab the person in self-defense and no matter how hard I stab them or how many times the stab wounds are always superficial and they never die. Out of desperation, I usually resort to some disgusting means of defense, generally clawing their eyes out. I've done it several times in various dreams. Also, phones NEVER work in my nightmares. I'll try over and over again to call someone for help and I will not be able to press the buttons properly no matter how much I try, or if I do it'll still come up as being wrong. Ah, it's agonizing.
So, why do I have such vivid dreams? I'm not one for thinking they mean much. I've dreamed I was pregs so many times and I have yet to have that actually coincide with a pregnancy. I've dreamed people have died and the only one that has come true is my mom. But I had the dream when I was 7 or 8. And she only died last year. So...what do they mean?
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