My 2nd Anniversary...and POD for Tuesday
Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of my marriage. My MIL offered to take the baby home with her for the night as a surprise for my hubby. So I pumped like a crazy lady to make enough bottles for Liam and then I took them to the train station yesterday around 4pm.
My MIL told me that Liam had a blast on the train, that he was fascinated (it was his first train ride) and he was flirting with all the passengers (that's my boy!).
So I made a big meal for Chris and I. I made leg of lamb, mashed potatoes, green beans and sauteed some mushrooms. I also made a salad. And we had some REALLY yummy cab to go with dinner. I was worried I mess the meat up as I've never made leg of lamb before...but it was so good. It turned out to be one of the yummiest meals I've eaten in a long time (fancy restaurants included).
We were going to go to a yummy wine bar nearby but it was closed. So instead we headed for a dive bar Chris had always wanted to go to. There we ran into an old friend of mine, Tony, for those of you who know him who are reading this. Talk about a small world. I'd actually been wanting to get in touch with him for a year now so that was pretty cool. We had some beers and then went home.
And the night ended much as you would expect it to...(wink wink)
Woo-hoo! Anniversary sex!
Dinner looks fabulous!! How did you do the lamb? Was the leg butterflied? I've only ever done a butterflied leg -- I think that makes it easier to get right. I stick with chops -- they are easiest! hahaha
As much of a cook as I am, I don't do well with roasts and the like! Oh, other than my standing rib roast! That comes out really well!
It wasn't butterflied. It was just a big hunk of meat. I was pleasantly surprised that I cooked it right! I did have to cook part of it a tiny bit more but that was way better than over-cooking it. My original plan was to do rosemary lamb pops...but TJ's was out of lamb chops! I LOVE lamb pops, I could eat them every day and they are so easy to make.
Anyhow, I just stuck the lamb in the oven covered up at 325 for about 50 mins and then uncovered it and cranked the oven up to 400 and cooked it for about 10-15 mins more till it was 163...(the directions said to keep it at 325...but I wanted to brown it more) but then I had to put in back in for a little while longer, like 5 or 10 more minutes... but it was perfect!!!
How did you season it?
I cheated. I bought it pre-marinated with a burgundy and peppercorn marinade. It was SOOOOO yummy. I usually love just seasoning lamb with rosemary, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper, but this one was really good, too.
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