Dodger Game
Last night we went to Liam's first Dodger game! He did such a good job. The game didn't start till 7:10, which is basically his bedtime. We stayed till about 9:15. He loved all the people and the banners. I was mostly worried about the cheering as he can be sensitive to loud sudden noises, but he was a champ!
We went with my sister and her boyfriend. We drank beer and ate ice cream and peanuts. Liam had part of a pretzel and some ice cream, too (I know, I know, I'm a terrible mommy).
As for how the Dodger game went...I don't really know. I don't generally actually watch the games. I'm a bad baseball fan. And we like the Padres anyhow...hehe. But when we left I think the Marlins were up by 1.
I forgot my camera, as usual, so I took these with my phone. They came out surprisingly well.

Liam is SUCH a cutie!
Thanks!! I think so too!
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