Mo on Art...and Other Stuff
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Trying to grow veggies!
I have never ever had a green thumb. My plants always end up dead, often simply from failing to water them. But I really wanted to start an herb and veggie garden now that we are in our new house and I have the room. For Mother's Day Chris got me several tomato plants, a pepper plant, flowers and a bunch of herb seeds. I'm so proud of myself that for the most part, my plants are still alive! The tomatoes have grown so much bigger than they were when I planted them. They are starting to bloom! I can't wait till I have actually grown a tomato!
Liam helped me out with planting/playing in the dirt the day I took these pictures. He also had fun organizing and reorganizing these rocks in a plant container. It was amazing how long he was occupied with this!!
Monday, June 01, 2009
29 week midwife appointment
So I had my 29 week midwife appt on Saturday. We did my glucose test and I did the normal peeing on a stick and weighing of myself. *sigh* I gained 7lbs in 3 weeks. I'm only 5lbs away from my end of pregnancy weight with Liam. I can't seem to help myself, I eat like a complete pig. And I don't eat tons of healthy food either. This morning I started off with 3 small pancakes completely slathered in butter and a tiny bit of syrup, and a cup of coffee. Then, a couple hours later I made myself 2 fried eggs and had those over toast. And then (keep in mind that it's only 11am while I'm writing this) I keep eating these tiny little apple pastries (kind of like mini apple turnovers). And I'm holding myself back from chugging the chocolate milk in the fridge. Even after my midwife appt, the first thing I did was go to the drive-thru donut shop on my way home and get two donuts.
Anyhow, I think I'm going to get a lecture on diet at my appt in 2 weeks.
Back to my appt...we listened to the baby's heartbeat and felt for his positioning. He's head down (doesn't mean he'll stay that way) and his butt is on my right side. That's not where I want him to be...I want him on my left side so I don't end up with a back labor, but we still have plenty of time for him to move. His heartbeat was easy to find and is strong, as usual. Liam had fun playing with the doppler and putting it on my belly.
I got my list of supplies for my home birth, it was more than I though it would be. Just lots of little stuff. It's amazing how much more responsible you are for supplies and stuff in a home birth. I realized how much I took for granted at the birthing center last time around.
I was up in the middle of the night thinking about all the stuff I needed to get, figuring out (in my head) what I should use for what, where stuff should go, etc. It'll be good when everything is set up and ready to go and I don't have to worry about it anymore.
My midwife already got my glucose test results back and I passed with flying colors (yay!) but I'm anemic, which I already figured. So I have to get more of the liquid iron supplement I took when I was pregs with Liam.
While I was at my appointment my midwife gave me a bag of loose red raspberry leaves to make tinctures with. It's pretty funny because it totally looks like a bag of pot sitting on my counter. But it smells a lot better. I really really liked drinking the red raspberry leaf tea, but the tincture is a whole other ball of wax. It's like drinking the tea, but 90x's stronger. Very bitter and hard to get down. I drank it cold yesterday, we'll see what it's like if I heat it up today.
Today I'm also working on figuring out how to file claims for all the stuff we are paying for. Hopefully we can get some sort of reimbursment (which we should) from Aetna for all of it. I wish our insurance wasn't so annoying and would just cover everything like they ought to. So frustrating.