Still pregnant and an update on everything else
I guess now is a good a time as any to post again. Life's been exhausting recently. I guess I'll do a quick update on each segment of my life.
Liam has grown up so much in the last few months. Part of that has brought on tantrums that have been horrible to deal with. I think it's been a combination of his age as well as somewhat of an understanding that his brother is coming soon.
Liam had been doing pretty well in the sleep department, only waking a couple times a night. Then we took a trip to Seattle (just the bean and me). That messed everything up. I guess that was a month an a half ago and ever since then his sleep has been awful. I decided that I couldn't keep getting up with him during the night and maybe I could change it so that he could come to us. We got him a toddler bed about a week ago and man was that ever a mistake. We've gone beyond backwards. He has always loved his crib and was going down fine in it. He just would wake up a million times a night requiring me to have to get up. Now it's like pulling teeth to even get him to sleep in his bed. It's no fun at all. And he's still waking up tons during the night. It's not helping that right now he (and Chris and I) has a bad cold. Liam being sick always equates to horrible sleeping at night. Last night we couldn't get him to sleep so we finally gave up and had him sleep in our bed. We all went to bed at 8:30...sigh.
Anyhow, other than the sleep issues he's doing really well. His tantruming has gone way down and he is talking soooo much! He's so stinkin adorable. I can't believe how much he has grown up. We were just eating dinner tonight and I was watching him. I have a little "kid". It's crazy!! If he would simply sleep through the night, he'd be pretty much perfect.
Seattle! Liam and I flew by ourselves to Seattle about a month and a half ago. It was so much fun! We stayed with my friends Megan and Paul and their two adorable little squirts. I really really had a great time. I drove around Seattle and went to a couple areas that we are considering moving to. They were so nice. I managed to totally get lost coming home...and my phone was dead. But somehow I managed to find my way back to their house on my own (after wasting maybe an extra 1/2 hour driving around). I sampled many yummy decaf coffees while there and my friends kept me nice and busy. We took the ferry to Bainbridge Island and ate lunch there. We also shopped at Pike Place market, which was really cool. We went swimming and visited parks and played outside. It was so much fun. I loved Seattle and I'm actually quite stoked to move there. I was also really proud of the fact that I survived both flights with Liam by myself!
I wish I'd gotten some pictures, but I've grown a bunch of tomatoes! I keep eating them the second they are ready, so I haven't accumulated any. I can't wait till I have more space and I can grow a ton of tomatoes. They've come out so yummy. I have maybe 10 right now that are still green and growing. My pepper plant completely died and I even managed to kill two rosemary plants.
Like I said in the heading...I'm still pregnant. I've had a few false alarms, but nothing came of them. This Sunday I will officially be 40 weeks pregnant. The baby has been doing well, super active. This pregnancy has been so uneventful, in a very good way. I'm super sore and achy now, but I'm willing to wait this baby out till he is ready. I really wanted to have him on Tuesday, but then Liam and I both came down with colds and it was pretty much out of the question. I really need Liam to get better so I can sleep and then I can get better and have this baby! I really can't wait to meet the little man. I'm so excited!
We FINALLY got my Best Chair! We'd ordered a Best Chair for me to use for nursing when Liam was first born, but the furniture co that we ordered it through screwed it all up and we kept not getting it and finally, months later, we cancelled the order. So, we went to a different furniture co this time and ordered it again. It just came yesterday and it is perfect! It's velvety and chocolate brown. It swivels, reclines and rocks! I can't wait to use it for nursing Aiden!
I guess that's it for now.
I guess I knew most of that news but it was nice to read anyway! Love ya!
:) loves back!
I agree with M. It was fun to hear about the little things all put together in one neat post!
I especially enjoy hearing you talk about enjoying Liam--brings me back to the days when I was pregnant with Gigi (now 11!) and spending my time with Jacob. Wow- you will be meeting your little man soon!!!
I know, I can't wait to meet him. When's the little bugger going to evacuate already?!?! :)
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