Monday, August 17, 2009

Being sick and pregnant sucks

So, last Tuesday I came down with the cold that Liam and Chris both had. By Friday I thought it was getting a lot better and hopefully I could have the baby by my due date on Sunday...then Saturday came and I felt a bit worse, much more congested. I had my 40 week midwife appointment. She checked the baby's position and said he's still head down, but not any lower than he was at my 39 week appt. She didn't want to do an internal since I was sick and she didn't want to stir anything up that could put me into labor. It's a good thing she didn't since I was even worse yesterday. I had everything going, congestion in my sinuses, my ears were clogged and hurting, super bad cough, sneezing, headache, etc. I think that it was the worst I've felt from a cold that I can ever remember. Today is much better. I'm still coughing but not nearly as much and my congestion is way down. Phew!

I'm hoping I'll feel even better tomorrow and be ready to go! I'd love for my labor to start tomorrow night and have the baby Wednesday morning. August 19, 2009 would be an excellent birthday for my little man. I can't wait to meet him. I know it'll happen soon, for real now, and I'm so excited. I can't believe that I'm officially overdue!

I hope that I'm able to enjoy Aiden's first few weeks of life more than I was able to with Liam. I think being a 2nd time mom and knowing how to breast feed and such should help a lot. I'm just hoping Liam doesn't have too hard of a time coping with having a new baby in the house. He seems to be warming up to he idea of a "brother" though I don't know if he really understands what a "brother" is. He will soon enough.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying Liam as much as I can. He's so snuggly and soft and really such an amazing little man. I can't get enough of him!


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