Friday, August 21, 2009

Overdue 5 days and getting anxious

Well, I'm on day 5 of being overdue and still no sign of labor. I never really thought much about going overdue or worried about it. I never even discussed with my midwife what her policies/procedures were for going overdue till it occurred to me at my 39 week appt to ask. She will only let me go to 42 weeks and then requires me to go into the hospital for induction.

I kind of felt like I'd go early this time, or at least I was really hoping for it. Obviously I was completely wrong on that. (as I type this Aiden is going nutso in my belly, he's quite the kicker and really likes to stretch out...not super comfy.) Now that I'm almost a week past due I'm starting to get anxious. What if the baby doesn't come in the next week? I have so many issues with going into the hospital for an induction. The first is that I would be so so sad to not get my homebirth after months of anticipation and excitement at the prospect of delivering my little man at home. The second is the fact that I'd be in a hospital, not my favorite place. I don't even have a birthplan, plus I'd be being induced, so that right there would introduce some of the medical interventions I was thinking I'd be avoiding with a homebirth. And last, but not least, it'd cost us an additional $2500 to use the back up OB. We simply don't have the money.

Ug. Anyhow, I wasn't anxious about this at all until last night. I figure I have my 41 week appt tomorrow and usually my midwife checking me stirs things up. I'm going to ask her to sweep my membranes, too. She's already done that once, but hopefully this time it's effective. I also read a couple places about using an herbal tincture that is a combination of black and blue cohosh for naturally inducing labor after you are past due. I emailed my midwife about that and we'll see what she says. I really want to just have this baby this weekend and not have to worry about going 2 weeks overdue. Also, I'm starting to worry about other things that are probably not even an issue, like what condition the placenta is in, do I have enough amniotic fluid? What if there is a ton of meconium in the water, will the baby be ok? Ahhhh! Preggo hormones do not help the situation at all.

Anyhow, cross your fingers that this little man evacuates this weekend! I really can't wait to meet him. I was doing so well with not being impatient, I was so proud of myself. Now I'm not so much impatient to meet him as I am anxious about all the stuff that could happen or go wrong should I make it to 42 weeks.


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Jaimey said...

He is just not done cookin', he'll come when he is ready. Though for your sake I too hope its this weekend. :)

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I know this post was a long time ago, but did you end up having a home birth? Did you like Margo? I'm planning a home birth and researching midwives... Hope everything went well for you!

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Kinda Like a Chef said...

Oh my goodness! I want to shoot myself! Emily, this is me, Mo, I just wrote out my whole birth story in a comment and stinkin blogger told me there was an error and they couldn't post it and that was it...bye bye looooooong comment that now I don't have the energy to re-type! Long comment short, yes, I had a homebirth, he came exactly 1 full week late. He came like a freight train in 1 hour and 50 minutes from first contraction to the end. I didn't call Margo till about 35 mins before he was born, never imagining I'd have such a crazy intense and fast labor. She came running in after his head was out and caught him.

I can't give a huge review as to how she was during labor since she wasn't there, but I've always loved Margo. They cleaned up the birthing mess and stitched me up, checked the baby, etc. That all went nice and smoothly and Margo came the next day to check me and the baby. She was great.

Feel free to send me a private message if you have any questions! Good luck!


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