Amber Teething Necklace and Sophie the Giraffe
So, we got our teething necklace and Sophie the Giraffe in the mail last Saturday. Liam has been wearing the necklace non-stop since then. I'd post a picture of him wearing it...but he's covered in a rash right now. I'll have to wait till he's back to looking like my son and then I'll post a pic.
It's been a bit hard to tell if the necklace has done much of anything. We put in on on Saturday and he seemed to still be a fuss-butt, but he did start letting other people hold him (other than me), coincidence? Even on Sunday he let tons of other people hold him. He hasn't done that in a long time.
On Monday I took him to the doctor to make sure his fussiness was just from teething and not due to an earache or something else. It turns out his ears are perfect, but he did have some sort of virus and had spots on his throat, equating to a really bad sore throat. He then ran a fever from Tuesday till last night. He's now fever free, for now, but is covered in a rash.
So, all the above is to say, I don't think a review on the teething necklace would be fair to give right now.
As for the $20 Sophie the Giraffe...what a waste of money. I must say I was a bit disappointed when I got it. I imagined it would be a solid rubber giraffe. Instead it's actually a hollow squeak toy, which Liam hates. It's made of natural rubber, but it stinks to high heaven. I can't stand the smell of it and I don't think Liam can either. I've been trying to make him play with his tiny little $20 giraffe all week. All he will do is kick it or throw it as far from him as possible. So...not a good investment on my part. Maybe the next baby will like it more. Dork that I am, I also bought a "Gnon" which was another toy made by the same French company that made Sophie. Liam hates that one even more. It's also a squeak toy and it makes one seriously weird squeak noise. I think it actually scares Liam.
I did want to put a plug in for the lady I bought the amber teething necklace from. I bought it from a lady on Etsy. She sells them for a really great price with $1.00 shipping! She also shipped it the same day I ordered it. It was easy, fast, and much cheaper than I'd seen elsewhere on the net. So if you are looking for an amber teething necklace, get it here:
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