The Green Mama - Part Two - Diapers

Prior to my son being born my husband had been interested in EC (Elimination Communication). I told him he was off his rocker and there was no way I'd been able to deal with something like that with a newborn. I was going to count myself lucky if I was still alive by the end of the first month. My hubby also wanted to cloth diaper. I was more willing to do this, but not at first. I told him that I'd do it after a few months when everything calmed down and I'd gotten the hang of being a mommy. In the meantime we'd use disposables.
Around 5 months or so, my son grew out of the last size Pampers makes the Swaddlers in. The next thing they made were cruisers. Well, I hated them. At the same time I bought those I also bought Nature Baby Care diapers. I also didn't like these too much. They were much more eco-friendly (being chlorine free and partially biodegradable) but it was like putting paper diapers on my son.
I'd gotten a sample of Seventh Generation diapers before the baby was born and they felt soft and seemed the closest to the Swaddlers, but were also chlorine free. When you've been using disposable diapers for 5 months you start to really realize the environmental impact just the diapers you are using has. It's disgusting. So, as someone who's not a complete ass I started feeling guilty and wanted to at least use something a little better.
So, I headed off to my local Whole Foods to buy some Seventh Generation diapers. Lo and Behold! What caught my eye?!! gDiapers...I read the outside of the box and was hooked. This was WAY better than stupid Seventh Generation diapers and much better for the environment. I bought a starter kit and went back a couple days later to get some refills. For those of you who don't know what g's are, they are a cloth cover with a completely biodegradable and flushable insert. You can flush the insert, or compost it even (the pees ones)! You can of course also just toss it in the trash, but most people know how hard it is for things to decompose in a landfill where the garbage doesn't have access to oxygen and the elements to help the process along. You can even use cloth in the g covers. They work extremely well and as a bonus are super cute.
Now, being a gDiaper-er opens up a whole new world of eco-friendliness. You of course have to join the gDiaper yahoo group and with that you are now part of a massive group of amazing women who spread their great ideas on how to be green.
Around the same time I switched diapers my son had developed a bad case of eczema on his legs, bum, back and arms. I started eliminating things with fragrance and chemicals. Out went the Dreft detergent...out went the Gerber baby wash...out went the Burt's Bees lotion, etc. I tried all sorts of soaps, getting more and more natural as I went. I finally settled on Little Twig organic unscented baby wash. Just that alone took care of most of the eczema. I also started using ShiKai's Borage Dry Skin Therapy for children. That took care of it 100%. Until I used stupid Hawaiian Tropics baby sunblock on Liam. I finally caved and spend $18 on a tiny tube of California Baby unscented sunscreen.
Awww, so cute!!!
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