I'm back....

I think I'll talk about what artwork I've done in the last couple years. I used to do just acrylics. I'm not sure why, but I did. In the last few years I have thankfully introduced myself to oils. I've had so much fun doing them. Here are a couple a did awhile ago. Hopefully I will get some better pictures of these and some taken of the more recent ones. One of these is an oil pastel. I've also started doing ink drawings. I love doing them!
When I had my baby I noticed that he took particular interest in the oil pastel drawing. He used to look at it constantly and marvel at it. I'm assuming it was due to the bright colors and variation in the picture. This gave me an idea. I took a ton of different colored paper and patterned paper and I made a funky collage for the baby. I put it above his changing table for him to look at . And what do you know! He loved it. I think that instead of putting up giant pictures of monkeys or tractors (or whatever you decide to make your baby's theme) you should put something up that is genuinely stimulating. Maybe I'll start making proffessional ones and see if they sell. The one I made for Liam is bitchen.
Okay, well I can't restart my post without a little bit of info about all I've been up to last couple years. In early 2006 I quit my job as an Asst. Snr. VP at a massive court reporting agency (random, I know) and started teaching at a private school in Los Angeles. I have wanted to teach for so long, but due to finances I hadn't ever started. I was getting sick of my job as it had no real point to it (other than the money, of course) and so I started teaching 4th grade. It was so awesome. I loved all my students. Obviously it had it's tough points. But I survived them.
I got married in July of 2006. My wedding was amazingly perfect. It was hot, but beautiful. Nothing went wrong and it was so much fun.
We went to Palm Springs for a mini-honeymoon. We stayed at the Parker Hotel. http://www.theparkerpalmsprings.com/phototour.php This place was like walking through a giant piece of retro artwork. It was beautiful. And since we were two of the few crazies that
In December of 2006 we went to Tahiti. All I can say is, "wow". It was phenomenal. Hot, humid, full of mosquitoes, but so incredibly beautiful. We drank champagne on the deck of our over-water bungalow, went snorkeling amongst the fishies and corral. We swam with sharks and sting rays, ate pineapple and coconuts...did what newly weds do... It was so perfect. Now if we could ever afford to go back, that'd be awesome.
In the spring of 2007 my mom passed away from cancer. That was and continues to be heart-wrenching. It's still pretty unreal to me and I never cease to hope that one day I'll wake up and realize that her death was just bad dream and be able to call her up and chat. Or give her a giant hug. She was an amazing person.
I was pregnant with our first baby when my mom passed away. I managed to contract appendicitis of all things when I was about 6 months pregnant. That was a bit scary, but it all turned out okay. Now I have a great war wound to show my son when he is older to go with the story.
My son, Liam Gladstone Nolan, was born October 5th, 2007 at 4:05am. He weighed 7lbs, 4 oz and was 19 inches long. I had him naturally at a birthing center in Irvine. Man, was that a lot of work. Oh, and it hurt a bit, too.
Now I'm a lucky SAHM. I get to hang out and play all day with my little 6 month old boy. I'm so
Alright, so I think that's a basic update on my life. More to come on art!
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